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School : Never-changed and All-same space
In general, schools were described as isolated islands in urban spaces. The schools do not blend with the urban environment well. Walls surrounding the facilities are drawing distinct line between in and outside. As such, schools were appearing as “yellow dots” on this photograph taken with satellite cameras. Also, most of the schools in Korea have same space composition; classrooms which are attached to a corridor in a low. This composition originated from a barrack and has never been changed since 1920's.

New arrangement of classrooms
Arrangement of classrooms is based on analysis of education curriculum for elementary schools. Unlike conventional school facilities, classrooms are designed based on each curriculum's educational objective and place centering of a common space that constantly connects with and welcomes the outside world.

The school for learning journey
Exhilarating journey through activities set by timetables, and thus the time spent entire day will be part of education. With sincere hope that schools no longer are considered spaces that students associate with negative perception such as fear, horror and disconnection, the project started to be incorporated into the current education system, not as another one of alternative schools.

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